Anamnesis for Health and Repose The main prayer for health of the alive and repose of the dead Orthodox Christians is carried out during Divine Liturgy. During the Preface, bits will be taken out of...
Церковь не оставляет человека и по исходе из земной жизни, но напутствует его в жизнь вечную. В храме над гробом усопшего (а в исключительных случаях заочно) совершается особое последование,...
Can people who have already created a family have a wedding ceremony? A wedding ceremony is carried out not only for young people who are only preparing to create a family but also for already...
Information on wedding ceremonies for those getting married for the second or third time If a person became a widow or had a “legal separation”, which means the divorce for a reason of, for example,...
Times when wedding ceremonies cannot take place It is important to note that wedding ceremonies cannot take place on the nights before Wednesdays and Fridays, on Sundays, during the Great Feasts of...
How is a wedding ceremony performed? The sacrament of marriage consists of two parts: the engagement and the wedding. In ancient times, the engagement was completed separately. Later, during the...
Брак первоначально установлен Самим Богом еще в раю, когда Вседержитель сотворил жену в помощь мужу и благословил умножение рода человеческого. По определению святителя Филарета, митрополита...
How is the Anointing of the sick carried out? If the sacrament of the Anointing of the sick is carried out in the church, then the convocation of up to seven members of church men will perform it...
«Елеосвящение есть Таинство, в котором при помазании тела елеем призывается на больного благодать Божия, исцеляющая немощи душевные и телесные», – говорится о нем в катехизисе. В Евангелии мы читаем,...
Sacrament of Penance. Confession. Preparation for Oblation. Sacrament of penance is carried out on an empty stomach; therefore, food and drink should not be consumed after midnight. This eating rule...
Главным Таинством Церкви является Евхаристия — Причащение, под видом хлеба и вина, Тела и Крови Господа нашего Иисуса Христа во оставление грехов и в жизнь вечную. Установлено это Таинство было Самим...
What to do if an adult doesn’t know if they were christened? In cases where an adult doesn’t know if they were christened during childhood, they need to talk to the priest. Service of Burial,...
At what age can you christen children? You can christen children at any age – the earlier the better. The child’s parents can and must be present in the church and pray for their child during the...
The Anointing Sacrament In the Orthodox Church there are two sacraments combined in one ordinance: straight after the christening service, the anointing that makes a person meet the Holy Spirit takes...
How is a Christening carried out? To get ready for a christening service it is essential to prepare a cross worn next to the skin, a white shirt and clean towel, additional underwear, and a...
Крещение – первое Таинство Церкви, в котором участвует человек. Через Крещение он рождается для вечной жизни. Кто не родится от воды и Духа, не может войти в Царствие Божие (Ин. 3. 5), — говорится в...
(Русский) Календарь Венчаний
  — дни, в которые разрешено таинство Венчания